成长小说的语料库研究——以《远大前程》为例 A corpus study of bildungsroman — A Case study of Great Expectations开题报告

 2023-02-23 10:41:59

1. 研究目的与意义

Firstly, Great Expectations, one of the works ofCharles Dickens, criticizes the social reality at that time or expresses theattitude. And some concerned studies on GreatExpectations are carried out from such aspects. Others like the concept orthe language which is used by the author are also mentioned among the previousstudies.

Secondly,the reason why I want to study the work is that Great Expectations is also a kind of excellent bildungsroman. Bildungsromanis also called enlightenment novel, which originated from Germany and is animportant type in modern Western literature. This kind shows the protagonist''''sgrowth from childhood to manhood, from innocence to sophistication. And theresearch of bildungsroman is usually studied by scholars in order to show thegrowing-up process of protagonist. And the studies on Great Expectations which we viewed as bildungsroman from the angleof literature are relatively few. Most of them pay attention to the language,techniques or the background of society at that period. So, from the abovementioned, Dickens'''' Great Expectations as bildungsroman is studied relatively few from the perspective of literaturecriticism.

Thirdly, thereare rare studies based on linguistic corpus. And among the previous studies,the concerned studies are about a corpus-based study of metaphor in Great Expectations, the self-redemptionof Magwitch: a Corpus-based analysis of GreatExpectations and so on. However, the number of corpus-based studies of bildungsroman--a case study of Great Expectations focusingon analyzing the work to identify the protagonist''''s growth by applying thefunctions of the software is rare. So, I will analyze the work as bildungsromanbased on AntConc3.5.9 software to identify it as a typical one. And from thisanalysis, it can be found the characteristic of this kind of work.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Takingthe English version of Great Expectations as an example, the paper carries out quantitative and qualitative studies fromthree aspects of the work by using Clusters, Key Words, plot retrievalfunctions and others in order to identify GreatExpectations as a typical bildungsroman. In a word, the key question which Iam going to solve is how to apply the corpus to analyze Great Expectations as bildungsroman.

In thispaper, AntConc3.5.9 software is applied to use its Word Lists, Keywords,Clusters, File View and other functions. GreatExpectations is taken as an example to conduct a corpus-based study onbildungsroman. This paper mainly studied GreatExpectations as a kind of bildungsroman, based on corpus to analyze thetheme, plot and characters of the work, summarized the characteristics of thework, and verified that it was a typical bildungsroman. To be precise, I willdivide Great Expectations into threestages first according to the growth and change process of the protagonist Pip.Then, the function of the keyword list of the software is used to compare eachtwo stages. What’s more, according to the results, the high frequency words inthe target file are obtained compared with the other file, so as to find thechanges of high frequency words in each stage. In addition, by using thefunctions of Concordance and File View to see the plot of the work, it is foundthat the theme, plot and characters in this work show the growth of theprotagonist Pip. Of course, before this step, I will use Readability Analyzerto analyze the average length of the author''''s sentences in this work, so that Ican fully understand whether the sentences were related to the research. As aresult, it can make sure the results are reliable. In the end, it can indicatethat Great Expectations is a classicbildungsroman.



3. 国内外研究现状

As for bildungsromanin foreign literature, it mostly belongs to a kind of applied research, andmost research is in literature research at home and abroad. Among the previousstudies, many scholars have studied literary discourse on themes, charactersand plots of bildungsroman. And they also view that Charles Dickens and hisworks played an important role in British critical realism in the 19th century.His novels are a mirror of social life in the early and middle Victorian era,showing the ideological evolution of the Victorians in the process of socialmobility. Just as Liang[梁丽婷](2012) said, Dickens'''' novels were influenced by thelong history and tradition of European initiation novels. Great Expectations isCharles Dickens’ famous bildungsroman. He tells the story of Pip, a poor orphanwho wants to grow up to be a gentleman. And his growth is a testament to theVictorians'''' 'social climb' of the mid-19th century. Moreover, Li[李亮] and Sun[孙旭春](2010), whomentioned the growing-up theme in Dickens'''' novels, are that characters keepreal and strive to realize their self-worth under the test of suffering andtemptation. Great Expectations as Charles Dickens’ famous bildungsroman hasmany studies on it from a critical perspective. Like Liu[刘远星](2020) and Mei[梅士宏](2016) who analyzedPip''''s growing-up process from such a perspective. In addition, Jia[贾红霞] and Chen[陈雅欣](2014) conductedgenre analysis from novel elements to expound the attributes of the work andprove that it is a typical bildungsroman. Furthermore, through the analysis ofthe growth process of Pip, Jiang[江森] and Chen[陈连丰](2014) explainedthat a good social environment, a harmonious family atmosphere and correcteducation concepts are important to the healthy growth of children in moderneducation. But, as mentioned above, what they have in common is the shortcomingof subjectivity. During the process of analyzing text, people may be biasedaccording to personal preferences unconsciously. Or the whole work may be solong that people will take a long time to read it. But in the end, the mainidea may not be got.

So, applying the AntConc3.5.9 software and buildingcorpus help us obtain objective information and get the main idea relativelyfast. Shen[沈蓉](2020) once did a corpus-based metaphorresearch on Great Expectations. This is a good example. It aims at theapplication of corpus to improve the objectivity of conceptual metaphorresearch. So does the paper. Furthermore, just like Zhang[张琳](2006) explained the unique advantages offirst-person narrative in the field of bildungsroman. In terms of analyticalmethods, this paper uses linguistics, psychology and aesthetic theories toprove the conclusion theoretically. This paper will apply the method as well. What’smore, Zhou[周鸿雁](2010) said: “At the same time, the authorhad a more thorough and pure understanding of the ugly reality under the vanitycapitalism system, so as to expose the distorted bourgeois humanityruthlessly.” This conclusion may include the author’s personal feelings afterreading the work. So, it is subjective to some degree. And with the developmentof society, corpus-based studies on literature have become a new way ofstudying literature. Just as Sun[孙云莉](2021)said, corpus linguistics in the areas of language research has abundantachievements, more and more scholars have realized that its importantsignificance and potential. As a result, most research is in literatureresearch, but corpus-based studies of Great Expectations are rare. Not tomention that from the perspective of bildungsroman to analyze the work byapplying AntConc3.5.9 software. So, it lacks concerned studies.

4. 计划与进度安排

Research plan:

In order to carry out my paper smoothly, I will choosethe correct topic first. And I will evaluate whether the paper can be carriedout. Then I am going to sort out the content, data and related materials in theearly stage of the paper. In addition, I should write a proposal. What’s more,I need to build the corpus and analyze the data. And finally I will start towrite the first draft. For the rest of the time, I will revise my paper andpolish it up.

The specific steps:


5. 参考文献

Burke, W. M. (2018). Aportable health in great expectations: Pip’s Search for Home in London. EnglishStudies 99(5), 510-516.

Gwen, W. (1987). Dickensin search of himself. Recurrent themes and characters in the work of CharlesDickens. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press.

Hamilton, B. J. (1974).Season of youth: The bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard UniversityPress.

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