Frustration and Resistance-The Deconstruction and the Reconstruction of Female ldentity and Consciousness in Their Eyes Were Watching God开题报告

 2023-02-21 09:54:08

1. 研究目的与意义

ZoraNeale Hurston is one of America''s leading black women writers, whose literaryworks, ranging from fiction to poetry, express the aspirations of the blackcommunity for freedom and equality, and this is powerfully evident in her book Their Eyes Were Watching God. Their Eyes Were Watching God is one ofZora Neale Hurston''s outstanding masterpieces, which focuses on the survivaland struggle of black women.

ZoraNeale Hurston''s novel Their Eyes WereWatching God is the first work in black literature to fully demonstrate theawakening of the female consciousness of black women and is recognized as oneof the classics of black feminist literature. Moreover, it is one of Hurston''smost famous novels where the theme that the black women fighting againstsexual, racial, and even class discrimination has been primarily discussed.

ZoraNeale Hurston is responsible for a series of black female writers like ToniMorrison and Alice Walker, both of whom were heavily influenced by her. Hurstonis studied not only because she is the originator of black feminist literaturein the United States, but also because TheirEyes Were Watching God is a landmark in the development of black femaleliterature in the United States which is difficult to ignore.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

ResearchContent: Find Jenny''s change in female identity through her experiences

Thekey issue to be solved: How construction and deconstruction of femaleconsciousness are reflected in Jenny''s struggles?


3. 国内外研究现状

Accordingto Professor Xilin Cheng of Sichuan University, a veteran Hurston researcher inChina, there have been more than 70 monographs on Hurston since the 1970s, inaddition to numerous dissertations. Since the beginning of the 21st century,new works on Hurston have been published almost every year, such as Sharon L.Jones, Rereading the Harlem Renaissance: Race, Class, and Gender in theFiction of Jessie Fauset, Zora Neale Hurston, and Dorothy Wesr, 2002. Hurston''sTheir Eyes Were Watching God: a Casebook, which was written by Cheryl A.Wall.And Diana Miles, Women,violenceamp;testimony in the works of ZoraNeale Hurston,2003.

The majority of critics of Their Eyes Were Watching God have adopted a feminist perspective on the novel.Sandra Bauchte-Parquez praises the novel as a powerful spiritual and artisticresource that exemplifies the restorative role and stored value of folk culturein American literature. Joseph Wuer and Michael Oke Ward regard the book as arepresentation, a representation that dares to point out a series of excludedissues: women''s struggle for voice, African-American resistance to racialdiscrimination, and they also believe that it was the book that credited withsparking the literary careers of Alice Walker, Gloria Naylor, and ToniMorrison.Other critics explore the novel byusing the feminist approach. Lloyd Brown, for example, calls Their EyesHurston''s best novel and focuses on the female-centered elements of the novel.He points out what Hurston regards as a peculiarly femaletranscendentalism' in this book and notices the striking resemblancebetween Hurston''s perception and famous feminist Simone de Beauvoir''s idea.


4. 计划与进度安排

1.November 25, 2022:the selection of the topic;

2.December 25, 2022:opening report;


5. 参考文献

1) Boyd, Valerie: Wrapped in Rainbows: TheLife of Zora Neale Hurston. New York Scribner,2003.

2) Diana Miles: Women, violenceamp;testimonyin the works of Zora Neale Hurston. New York: Peter Lang, 2003.

3) Gloria L. Cronin, 'Introduction:Going to the Far Horizon, ' in Critical Essays on Zora Neale Hurston. Gloria L. Cronin, New York: G K. Hall amp; Co, 1998. 28. Henry Louis Gates,Jr, The Signifying Monkey. New York; Oxford University Press, 1998.

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