The Contrastive Analysis of Grammatical Metaphor and Conceptual Metaphor开题报告

 2023-01-15 14:59:54

1. 研究目的与意义

Both grammatical metaphor and conceptual metaphor have been studied abundantly in the literature. Few researchers, however, have conducted a comparison study. As a result, they tend to be treated as two distinct kinds of metaphors. Therefore, it is necessary to mke a comparison between grammatical metaphor and conceptual metaphor to better understand the theories on metaphor, and this is what this thesis is doing.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

This paper mainly discusses the relationship between conceptual metaphor and grammatical metaphor. Firstly this paper introduces the basic function of conceptual metaphor and grammatical metaphor, and then discusses the similarities and differences between the two. Finally, it is concluded that the two are complementary and should be recognized together in order to deepen the understanding of the theory of metaphor.

The key problem of this research is to discuss the difference and connection between conceptual metaphor and grammatical metaphor from many aspects.

Chapter 1 is introduction; Chapter 2 introduces Grammatical Metaphor, including its definition and classification; Chapter 3 introduces Conceptual Metaphors, such as its definition, classification, universality and variation; Chapter 4 makes a comparative analysis of grammatical metaphor and conceptual metaphor from many aspects;


3. 国内外研究现状

In recent years, the focus of foreign language research in China is turning from the cross cultural communication to the metaphor theory. Among the numerous researchers of metaphor in China, Hu Zhuanglin, a professor at Peking University, and Shu Dingfang, a professor at Shanghai International Studies University, have contributed greatly to the study of metaphor. Hu''s research mainly focuses on the metaphor theory, including grammatical metaphor, the relationship between metaphor and style and so on. In the past two years, Professor Shu has dedicated to the study of the causes of metaphor and put forward the goal of the establishment of modern metaphor, and discussed the research objectives, methods and tasks of modern metaphor in detail.

In resent three years, some experts and scholars, such asHu Zhuanglin, Zhu Yongsheng, Yan Shiqing, Shu Dingfang, Wu Li, Lin Xiaoyu, Fann Wong, Liu Zhenqian, and others ananyse metaphor from the theory. Among them, the most popular topics are the study of classical metaphor theory, the definition of metaphor, grammatical metaphor and the history of metaphor. Both grammatical metaphor and conceptual metaphor have been studied abundantly in the literature. Few researchers, however, have studied them in comparison.


4. 计划与进度安排

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1Background of study

1.2Purpose and significance of the study


5. 参考文献

[1]Danesi, M. Metaphorical Competence in Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Communication and Social Meaning [M]. Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press, 1993.

[2]Fauconnier, G. Mapping in Thought and Language[M]. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

[3]Goatly, A. The language of metaphors[M]. London: Routledge,1997.

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