
 2023-06-19 08:08:57

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

某市污水处理工程初步设计研究综述摘 要:水是人们赖以生存的基本物质条件之一,随着国民工业的快速发展,水体保护的形势日益严峻,水污染防治与治理亟待解决,尤其城市污水,污水水成分复杂,处理难度大,对工艺选择要求高,因此对污水处理工艺技术进行研究,具有重要意义,并在工程实践中,通常需要采用组合工艺技术,处理多种污水组份,提高过程处理能力,优化水质标准,从源头上治理和杜绝水体污染,将对人类社会做出巨大贡献。


关键词:城市污水;有机污染物;微生物处理;组合工艺Abstract:Water is one of the basic material conditions of people living on, with the rapid development of national industry, growing the situation of water conservation, water pollution prevention and treatment need to be addressed, especially the urban sewage, waste water composition is complicated, difficult to deal with, to choose a technology demand is high, so the study of wastewater treatment technology, which is of great significance, and in engineering practice, It is usually necessary to adopt combined technology to treat various sewage components, improve the process treatment capacity, optimize the water quality standard, and control and eliminate water pollution from the source, which will make a great contribution to the human society.In this design, the urban sewage is taken as the treatment object, and the analysis of the treatment technology for the benzene ring and high polymer refractory organic matter is carried out to determine the appropriate and efficient treatment technology, and the engineering design is carried out to improve the reference for similar design.Key words: urban sewage; Organic pollutants; Microbial treatment; Combination process一、城市污水来源特点随着城市的发展,目前主要有居住建筑和公共建筑,如住宅、机关、学校、医院、商店、公共场所及工业企业卫生间等。


2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案



二,国内外研究现状及发展趋势(含文献综述):1.关于活性污泥法当前流行的污水处理工艺有:AB法、SBR法、氧化沟法、普通曝气法、A/A/O法、A/O 法等,这几种工艺都是从活性污泥法派生出来的,且各有其特点。

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